Steaming Coffee Cups & Stars

I’m sure professional reviews for Dreamscape will be coming in soon. I know my publisher has a list of review sites they routinely send to before the ink is dry. I’m supposed to send to the rest of the sites to self-promote and to that end have already sent it to people who’ve reviewed my work previously. I plan on doing more tomorrow. One of my author friends gave me a list today — at least a dozen reviewers I hadn’t heard of before, so I’ll start there.

Authors are of mixed opinion on whether or not online reviews do anything to increase their sales. I think it could only help to get good reviews. I go back to that movie or restaurant everyone is talking about. If the reviews are bad people steer clear. If they’re good, then you stand in line to get in. Of course the bad review would do the opposite. I use my good reviews when I promote to readers’ groups on yahoo. Some of those groups have hundreds of active participants and hundreds more who just read the postings but don’t socialize. I’d like to see each and every one of them rushing to buy my books. {grin} Every time I offer another good review, I hope it works like it does for restaurants or movies.

So like I said, my publisher sends my books out to be professionally reviewed, and I send out my own review requests. It’s a well-known fact in this business that not all of those sites take your book on. I’ve mentioned in a previous post that some sites have hundreds of books backlogged so chances are slim your book is going to be chosen for review. Everyone learns this pretty quickly. I suppose it would help to be well-known. (Out on the horizon)  🙂

I received notice that I got a new review for Hermes Online ~

As promised, here is the link to my review of this fantastic book:

I have never read a book quite like this one!  It was a hot read! What do you have coming out next?  I would love to read and review more of your books in the future.


As always, I’m happy readers are enjoying my first novel. Here’s her review from Sensual Reads:

Sensual Reads5 Stars!

Vivienne Bennet is alone and miserable.  Dan, her last boyfriend, demolished her self-esteem when he ended their two-year relationship.  Dan told Vivienne that she was boring in bed and she forced him to seek out another lover because he was so bored.  To make matters worse, Dan told her this when Vivienne caught him in HER bed, tangled up in the sheets with a naked cheerleader with breast implants.  Vivienne knows she needs to get out of her blue funk.  A friend suggests a website to her, hoping it might lift Vivienne’s spirits.  Her visit to the website will change Vivienne’s life forever.

The website contains erotic stories posted by people just like Vivienne.  Vivienne reads a few of the erotic stories.  Readers are encouraged to rate and critique the stories.  Vivienne posts her opinions of the stories she read and then decides to enter a story of her own.  She wrote the story during happier times to remember of bittersweet affair she had in Greece.  Vivienne receives a number of emails from her readers praising her story.  One male reader enjoyed her story so much that he decided to encourage her to write more.

S is the pen name of Vivienne’s new email partner.  He begins a dialogue with Vivienne by giving her challenges.  He asks her to paint erotic pictures for him of specific subjects.  Soon the emails become more personally erotic in nature.  As each email becomes more daring, Vivienne and S want more then the safe communication of emails.  How far will Vivienne and S go with their new, exciting relationship?  Can S help Vivienne get over Dan?

Rose Anderson takes the reader along on a delicious trip on the internet complete with sizzling sex drawn in words.  The sensual images leap off the pages of this book.  Two people who have never met begin to fall in love through their emails.  Will Vivienne have the courage to take their relationship off the computer and into real life?  Is S everything he appears to be?

I’m happy for every bit of promo that comes my way.

I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before, but apparently reviewers don’t all send a courtesy email telling you a review has been posted. My experience to date has been otherwise. But today for some reason, it got me wondering …were there reviews out there that I am unaware of?  I went looking and to my surprise I found one. I’m surprised because I’m on Google Alerts. I signed up for notification by Google if my book title or my author’s name comes up online. Theoretically it’s supposed to catch when people post reviews. Ha! It only tells me about Hermes handbags and Anderson windows.

It did not show me this one posted on Good Reads weeks ago:

 Every now and then an erotic romance catches you pleasantly by surprise. Hermes Online is just such a book. Because we get to know the characters mostly through email and chat dialog, I expected them to feel under developed somehow, but I found the opposite to be true. We get a very steamy relationship right off the bat, full of fantastic dirty dialogue, and the best part is that it never feels rushed or forced. We really want this unconventional relationship to work out.

Nor did Google tell me about this one with four steaming coffee cups from Coffee Time Romance & More:

Rating: 4 Cups!

Vivienne Bennet has had her self-esteem beaten with the force of a battering ram thanks to her egomaniac ex-boyfriend. After submitting a long forgotten erotic tale on a website, she is shocked when she receives replies back begging for more. Even more shocking is an intimate reply that has nothing to do with her story and everything to do with herself.

He goes by the initial S and he paints passionate drawings using erotically-charged phrases to describe what he wants Vivienne to do to him and what he will do to her.

As their time together continues to spiral down the hedonistic path of online chatting, Vivienne finds herself reflecting on her past relationships and how she has become such a doormat when it comes to her ex-boyfriend. With S’s sensual words caressing and enticing her, Vivienne will finally break through the wall that has encased her heart all of this time. When Vivienne and S finally meet up, their passion explodes and they find a destiny neither was expecting.

Hermes Online is a wickedly tantalizing tale that overloads your senses. I am quite impressed with the online interaction as much as I am with the physical contact between the main characters. It gave me the impression of the two having a close relationship between them emotionally. While the sensuality of this tale is scorching hot, I do feel a little put out by the fact that I guessed pretty quickly who S was. What I liked most about this novel was watching Vivienne as she finally realizes that she is no pushover; instead she finds the strength and power of a strong woman that has been held inside for all of this time. When it comes to writing erotic romance, Rose Anderson knows how to encase her written words so we can practically see the story instead of just read about it.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

And these posted on

Rose Anderson has some of the most tantalizing love scenes I’ve ever read. Honestly, I think her detail and imagination makes her one of the best. Look for Hermes Online. I don’t know if she has others yet. It’s the only one of hers I’ve found so far.

Hermes Online, by Rose Anderson. My latest steamy story from Siren Publishing. A new author, and well versed in the wit needed to make an explicit romance story sound believable.

Nice words that made my day.  🙂

About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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2 Responses to Steaming Coffee Cups & Stars

  1. SandySays1 says:

    My human is going through ordeal by review currently.

    • I feel for your human Sandy. Tell your human to take them all in stride. There will be terrific reviews and so-so reviews and always the bad review looms in the distance like a shadow. Your human would do well to remember the world is full of opinions, learn from the less than stellar ones, revel in those good ones, and above all enjoy this fantastic journey. Thanks for your comment. I picture you using the keyboard and can’t help but smile. 🙂

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