Splashes of color & oh what a book launch!

Loving Leonardo and my other titles on sale now. 

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Sitting at my kitchen table with my laptop and steaming coffee cup that acts as my hand warmer, I’m looking out the window at a crisp early autumn day in the Midwest. How pretty.

We play a game in my household called Can You Stand It. The idea is to see how long you can go before you turn the furnace on for the winter. Most years I can get to Thanksgiving unless the beaks of my cockatiels have icicles hanging from them. No need to stress my little buddies. There are other ways to keep warm — pots of soup, baked anything, filling the house with warm friends.

There are things I can count on when the seasons change. In the late spring and early summer when first the lilacs, and then the peonies, irises, and roses bloom, I can count on fierce storms and torrential rains to beat them to smithereens the instant they’re at their loveliest. In autumn the very week the trees deck out in fabulous color, a wind storm will strip the branches bare. In the winter when the snow comes deep and still, I can count on my dog to abandon her favorite “business” spot in the yard and crisscross the blanket of snowy beauty with tracks that leave it looking like Grand Central Station. It makes you appreciate these things more I think. It’s like a sweet spring-only Vidalia onion, summer bing cherries, or a Christmas tangerine. No, I take that back. This small window to appreciate the seasons’ beauty is more like a Marshmallow Peep or a Taffy Apple. Get ‘em while they’re here for they will soon be gone.


So my book launch was amazing. I promoted my book Loving Leonardo from one end of the Twitter-verse to the far reaches of the internet. If there was a social media anything, I was there begging and/or filling space. I’ve had a ton of well-wishes and terrific comments too. Very nice. Well over 1000 books were downloaded for free *insert wistful sigh here*, and at the high point the novel made #27 in the Kindle Top 100 Free books in Historical Romance. It was great exposure. I’m hoping the 1000+ readers like the story enough to want that second book in the series.

I thought long and hard about extending the free days as I do have two more freebie days to use sometime during the 90 days I’m in the KDP program. Loving Leonardo –  The Quest comes out this winter so maybe I’ll run book one as a freebie again then.

Thanks to one and all who got the download and helped push this author into a visible place in a crowded market.  🙂


 The Romance Reviews

About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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4 Responses to Splashes of color & oh what a book launch!

  1. mikey2ct says:

    Rose..you sound like a neighbor I’d like to get to know if I wasn’t living all the way back here in CT.

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