It’s Six Sentence Sunday & Daylight Savings Time!

Once again, I’ve set out a teaser — six evocative sentences from my newest release Loving Leonardo. Being hitched to the Six Sentence Sunday site has been a fun tag-a-long that’s broadened my web exposure immensely. I’m sad to see this weekly event coming to a close.

Compatibility growing comfortably in the close confines of the ship, Nicolas, Ellie, and Luca share an afternoon discussing Leonardo da Vinci.

My Six:

I believe we were all aware of a sexual tension growing in the intellectual-rich loam. There were little things at play now: the way Ellie moistened her lips and looked at us with eyes that lingered from one to the other. The way Luca’s irises had darkened from snow shadow to moon shadow as he looked upon her. The way I’d catch myself with a reminder to breathe as my eye was drawn to these small distinctions. Like da Vinci’s sfumato, our mutual attraction hung in the air, and I was struck by the notion that the smoky quality depicted in his art was desire. Desire like this.

Bound by limits dictated by society, Art Historian Nicolas Halstead lived a guarded life until a tempest in the form of Elenora Schwaab blew into his world. At first Nicolas can’t decide if the audacious American is simply mad or plotting blackmail for not only does she declare knowledge of his homosexuality, she offers him a marriage proposal.

After Ellie tells him of a previously unknown work of Leonardo da Vinci, a book of erotic love poems and sketches dedicated to the artist’s long-time lover Salai, Nicolas joins her in a race to save the book from destruction. Along the way they encounter Historian Luca Franco and discover a comfortable compatibility that comes to redefine their long-held notions of love. The trio embarks on an adventure of sensual discovery, intrigue, and danger. Little do they know Leonardo da Vinci’s book is far more than meets the eye.

Tempted? I hope so! 😀

Check out the other talented authors taking part in Six Sentence Sunday.
You just might find that next great read.


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>>>>>And coming November 15th<<<<<

The Romance Reviews

About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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6 Responses to It’s Six Sentence Sunday & Daylight Savings Time!

  1. Very nice and pulled me in. Great Six!

  2. I love the descriptive element – it has an artistic quality to it. Very apropos.

  3. There is such an air of mystique about this six!

  4. raerenzi says:

    Good job in building the emotion, and I love the reference to Leonardo…

  5. Thank you Kristal and Jasmine. 🙂

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