Leaning on Technology…a little too much.

What a week!! I went straight from a successful blog hop to discovering my blog suspended by WordPress. What?? Yep, somehow a “spam check” said the blog I’ve had for nearly two years violated some Terms of Service rules. Of course I never did. The content has been the same all along —  basically book chitchat, publishing info, updates, and the occasional point of view piece. It was an error on their part and they reinstated me and gave a nice apology too.
To say I was frustrated would be putting it mildly. I have a big promotional opportunity this week and all I could think was people would come to my blog and see “Suspended”. I mean really, how does that look?  WordPress is pretty self-contained. The forums have everything covered. But I couldn’t use the forums because I was locked out. I couldn’t find a soul to talk to directly. Wacky things were happening with other WordPress users and I thought for sure I’d been hacked or the main WP brain had been hacked.

There was a point there where I doubted my filled out help request forms were going to the support people. (WordPress support people, if you find your way here through my desperate carpet bombing of pleas for help, thanks.) That’s the thing about being hacked, you sometimes can’t tell what’s real and what’s not. Anyone who’s ever used ebay or paypal should know what I’m talking about. How many times a year do you get some cyberjerk pretending to need sensitive information from you on emails and site links that look spot-on perfect?

So for tonight I’ll leave you with a little animated gif that gruesomely says everything just so. It’s an oldie, but ghoul that I am, I laughed when I first saw it more than 10 years ago. A friend sent it to me at a time when I was trying to learn code for building a very important website. I’d mentioned jokingly that I’d entered so much code, I’d typed my fingers down to stubs. lol sometimes a picture says it all. This was me trying to find answers after I learned my blog and my precious domain name were taken off the web. Tomorrow it’s business as usual. G’night all.


About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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2 Responses to Leaning on Technology…a little too much.

  1. mikey2ct says:

    I’m glad you’re okay now !

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