Taking a Breath Before the Plunge

Well that’s it on the blog hops for a while.  I’ve been tallying the stats to see how blog hopping works for authors and will post that soon.

What a crazy, stress-filled, and oddly long week it’s been! Honestly, I can’t remember such a week that seemingly went on forever. I started out with an erroneously  suspended blog and frantic hours trying to figure out why and get things up and running again before my USA Today debut.  I had the blog hop coming mid-week too. This Blog Has Been Suspended just looks plain bad!

Thankfully the Happiness people (yes that is their title) at WordPress fixed their error and the blog got back up. Then blog hop fell into place. (Authors, I can’t say enough about doing all your blog posts at once as drafts and just posting as you go). The USA Today article was very well received.  My fingers are crossed that this builds momentum. The nice thing is, it’s there forever. It’s even in the new Library at Alexandria! How cool is that?


Bibliotheca Alexandrina — the new Library at Alexandria


I  got my flu shot and felt like hell for two days, then my arthritis went nuts in my left hand and right ankle Thursday. (It’s an RA thing) Predictably, the household stuff I see to every day followed suit.  Stress does that sometimes. *sigh* But today is a new day and the start of a new week. I beat the 1000+ email monster living in my email’s inbox back to a reasonable proportions this past weekend, so for the time being I have some semblance of control there. I’m glad I did! I found two guest appearances I’m scheduled for in the next few days. About that business of keeping track of things like guest posts and interviews. I found a terrific tool. It’s an organizer that you can load with your dates online, then send yourself an email copy or print it out to have on hand. So much more useful than the sticky notes I had plastered all over my desktop! It’s free but has upgrade options you pay for. For now the free version works fine for me.


After an icky few days, I’m feeling pretty good this morning so I expect a productive week. *knock on wood* My Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo comes out in paperback today. I think I’ll clean house to celebrate. lol Maybe I’ll dance while I work…no one’s here to see.  🙂
Speaking of…

🙂 Cute huh? I guarantee I’m not that flexible. You might have to watch this directly on youtube because of the song it’s playing. Still, the short jaunt is worth the smile.

Coming soon — some nice reviews and where I’ve been around town. If you’d like to learn more about my books, thoughts, future projects, and things I’ve found to navigate the author’s world, pour yourself a spot of tea and dig into my blog. You’re sure to find something useful or entertaining things.  🙂

Rose Anderson – Love Waits in Unexpected Places


The Romance Reviewsromcon badge

About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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4 Responses to Taking a Breath Before the Plunge

  1. mikey2ct says:

    I’m rooting for you, Rose.

  2. Freaky to lose your blog. Scary too. When I had the flu shot I was sick for a month afterward. Never happened before this year. Now, I shall go and look around. 🙂

    • Yikes. I don’t relish the thought of being ill for a month. I had the flu a few years ago. I was so sick, I thought to myself “people die from flu”. Thinking of death. That’ll tell you how sick I felt. My great-grandmother died from the outbreak in 1918. I recommend people get the shot.

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