Feeling Lucky? Lucky in Love Blog Hop

Lucky in LoveFeeling Lucky?

Today begins the Lucky in Love Blog Hop! Follow this link to 300 authors:
Lucky in Love – List of Participants

Just take a gander at the 2 grand prizes:

1st Grand Prize: A $100 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
2nd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack filled with paperbacks, ebooks, bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more!
And, you’ll find more prizes on each of the blogs.)
As always, be sure to leave your email address when you leave comments.

My prize is an authorgraphed copy  of any of my five ebooks. Your choice!

So what’s the big deal about a four-leaf clover?
Aside from the perplexing “luck” of a dead rabbit’s foot, no other symbol says luck like the four-leaf clover. Why? Because clover, aka trifolium, is by nature a three-leafed plant, and that makes extra leaves uncommon.  You know  how some people seem to have fortune in one form or another always smiling on them, while others seem to walk around with their own personal storm cloud over their heads? Well, I have a theory that goes with the rarity of extra leaves on clover — Not everyone can be lucky at the same time. Think about it.  If they were, there would be no unlucky to contrast lucky with. Therefore no one would be lucky! Luck needs to be rare so we feel fortunate and lucky when it’s ours. LOL  I’m a writer. I ponder these things!  But there’s good news for the unlucky among us – four-leaf clovers are uncommon, but not impossible to find. Just about every patch of clover has at least one extra leaf buried in the normal clump.

Living with the same patch of clover in my yard for approximately 25 years, I was completely unaware of the luck just waiting to be plucked. My eyes opened the day we had a guest who’d been a an expert clover hunter as a child. He proceeded to find one, then another, and another. He went on to explain that the genetic variation that produces extra leaves, will continue to produce extra leaves for the life of the plant. And as they all flower, pollinate, and seed in the same spot, the likelihood of the trait recurring exists. True? I don’t know, but that made sense to me. His explanation seemed to fit my experience with the clover patch. I looked and sure enough, I found one, then another, then one with 7 leaves. Every year, the odd clover comes back, though some years produce more multiple leaves than other years. So…do I feel extraordinarily lucky? Yes I do. I’ve been lucky in love, lucky in family and friends, lucky in my place in the world. Fortunate indeed. Everyone knows it can always be worse!

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the most leaves on a single clover stem is 56! Wow. Shigeo Obara of Japan found it 2009. He’s also the previous record holder in this category. That clover had 19 leaves. Makes me wonder how lucky he is! Extra details here: Guinness World Records: most-leaves-on-a-clover


Tomorrow…I’ll post about lucky traditions associated with three-leafed clover.
Be sure to visit all the blogs each day — you never know what you’ll find.
And…be sure to comment with your email to win!

I have a new release!
The Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo
(Book2 Eluwilussit)

When you’re all done visiting the Lucky in Love authors,
stop by my satellite blog for a full 1st chapter from Book 1.
I’m taking part in The Romance Reviews 2nd Anniversary Party,
my part comes at the end of the month.
Lots of prizes, and one from me too. Learn the details there.
My Other Blog


Rose Anderson – Love Waits in Unexpected Places


3 books by Rose

The Romance Reviews



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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14 Responses to Feeling Lucky? Lucky in Love Blog Hop

  1. Great post! Love the book cover. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks, and thanks for stopping by Cathy!

  3. Joy F says:

    No, I have not been lucky in love.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  4. Urbanista says:

    I have actually found several four leaf clovers; you’re right, they aren’t impossible to find in a clover patch.

    brendurbanist at gmail dot com

  5. Lilis says:

    OMG just read the first book of the witchy wolf and the wendigo….gotta say it was good can’t wait to start on the next one. 🙂

  6. Wendy Pogrant says:

    I am not lucky in love.

  7. i’ve found some 4 leaves clover at my school..; i spend hour there trying to find a lot of them^^;;

    happy St Patrick’s day


  8. Shelly Hammond says:

    I loved reading the four leaf clover facts. I have never in my life found a four leaf clover but growing up I can recall finding them in random books all over the house being “pressed” because my mother could (and still can to this day) find a clover patch and without a doubt walk over and find one! We even had a dog named “Lucky” because when we got her we were deciding on a name and she was just sitting there and my mom walked over and right between her paws she found a four leaf clover 🙂 I used to try to make a three leaf into a four to “cheat” but always got caught.
    After I type this I am going to take some time to check out the books. They all look and sound great so I need to investigate them a little more. I love finding new ones for me to get myself into!
    Thank you for the chance to enter 😀 Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone 🙂

    Shelly H

  9. JanD says:

    I haven’t found a four-leaf clover.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  10. Veronika says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. Carla says:

    Thanks for participating in the hop. I do have a random fact about 4 leaf clovers. They are actually a mutated version (I have a child who has a rare genetic mutation and we were looking at all the good things that are caused by mutations and 4 leaf clovers and people who can eat ice cream were both things we found.).
    planterofhope at aol dot com

  12. bn100 says:

    Interesting info

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