Spring is in the Air!

XOXO Spring Blog Hop Spring is in the Air!  The authors from XOXO Publishing are sponsoring this hop and they’re offering a prize package. Follow this link to all 57 authors and find even more prizes given away on each blog. As always, be sure to leave your email address when you leave comments.
Spring is in the Air!

My prize is an authorgraphed copy of your choice of any of my novels!

XOXO eBook Prize Package


Can six evocative sentences capture imagination and inspire interest? Let’s see! Here are thirty interesting sentences from my five  novels. Amazon offers Peek Inside too.
Discover Rose Anderson’s Love Stories on Amazon

The Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo (book 1 Ashkewheteasu)
Setting the Stage: Ash, an immortal Native American shaman, has recently entered the modern world. Here, quite unexpectedly, he ends up kissing Livie in the restaurant parking lot after a dinner date. Never exposed to beer before, Ash is a little tipsy.

His lovely dark eyes sought hers and the passionate yearning reflected there made her feel dizzy with want. He spoke in his language again and she shook her head, not understanding. He smiled, picked up her hand and kissed her palm. Closing her fingers around the kiss as though it were a tangible thing, he told her, “You make me burn for you Livie, but this is not the place to love you as you deserve.”
Not knowing how to respond, she took a breath and let it out slowly. If not for the fact she barely knew him, she’d ask him to come home and finish what he’d started, inebriated or not.

The Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo (book 2 Eluwilussit)
Setting the Stage: Ash uses the birdstone to take his consciousness to the spirit world and there meets the spirit of Nawkaw, his old mentor. Nawkaw has extraordinary news for him.

Everything as far as his eyes could see was a pure version of what he knew in the living world — every blade of grass, every leaf, all of it — edged in the white glowing light. Walking on, he found Nawkaw as his younger self, standing up to his calves in sparkling clear water. Spear raised, body poised, Nawkaw too was edged in white light as was the fish he quickly speared and tossed on the bank. Ash found himself thinking the waters of the spirit realm must teem with spirit fish, for he had caught and eaten thousands in his long lifetime alone.Seeing Ash, Nawkaw’s face broke into a happy smile. “So the bird has flown you to us. And I only explained how the magic worked once before I died!”

Loving Leonardo
Setting the Stage: Nicolas and Ellie invite Luca to discuss Leonardo da Vinci, and realize they have more than one interest in common.

I believe we were all aware of a sexual tension growing in the intellectual-rich loam. There were little things at play now: the way Ellie moistened her lips and looked at us with eyes that lingered from one to the other. The way Luca’s irises had darkened from snow shadow to moon shadow as he looked upon her. The way I’d catch myself with a reminder to breathe as my eye was drawn to these small distinctions. Like da Vinci’s sfumato, our mutual attraction hung in the air, and I was struck by the notion that the smoky quality depicted in his art was desire. Desire like this.

Setting the Stage: In her waking world, Lanie knows Jason Bowen as the Victorian era ghost who haunts her house. But in her dream world, Jason is very much alive and well in his time. In one world she loves a ghost and feels the hopelessness of that fact, in the other she loves a man doomed to die. After being haunted for weeks, this is the point where he shows himself to her.

Lanie rubbed her eyes and looked again. Jason Bowen was identical to his photograph and portrait in form and coloring, and aside from that, she couldn’t say he was exactly there. His body wasn’t exactly defined, not transparent, not exactly translucent, just not altogether there. But there was a sort of substance to him as well as an edge of pale blue aura bright enough to glint off the porcelain sink directly across from where he sat. Unable to comprehend what she was seeing, she muttered under her breath, “You’re real.”
His laugh rich and warm, Jason said,“I was once.”

Hermes Online
Setting the Stage: Vivienne receives an email from an enigmatic man known only as S. Together they embark upon the world of anonymous Internet communication.

They were only words, weren’t they? If so then why could I see it, why could I feel this so acutely? I clicked send and waited.
“You’ve got mail” burst forth from the speakers. I discovered I had been conditioned to have an autonomic response to seeing the envelope and hearing the computerized words. Like Pavlov’s dog, I began to salivate.


Rose Anderson – Love Waits in Unexpected Places


TRR-2ndAnniv 2013 Poster

When you’re all done checking out all great the authors participating in the Spring is in the Air Hop, visit my satellite blog http://calliopeswritingtablet.blogspot.com/ I’m taking part in The Romance Reviews 2nd Anniversary Party. (My part comes at the end of the month.) Lots of prizes and one from me too. Learn the details there.

About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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3 Responses to Spring is in the Air!

  1. Catherine says:

    Dreamscape sounds interesting!
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  2. bn100 says:

    nice post
    Thanks for participating

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  3. Meghan Stith says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Spring is in the air, but unfortunately living in Upstate NY, it is not even close to arriving. It snowed again at my house just tonight. I’m looking forward to the warm weather and longer days though. Spring is the time of love and my favorite romance novel is entitled “Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon. It’s not strictly a romance novel as it’s found in the literature section of a bookstore, but it has strong romantic elements. Jamie Fraser is my favorite romantic hero as he’s strong, sensitive, honorable and slightly flawed. Sometimes his pride gets in the way of making the right decision, but in the end, he’d do anything for Claire.
    I love this giveaway hop! And, I plan to keep on hopping!

    mestith at gmail dot com

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