Spring is in the Air & a Sneak Peek!

I’m doing two things at once on my blog today — the Sneak Peek Sunday AND the Spring is in the Air Blog Hop! (Busy busy)
Sneak Peek Sunday!

Sneak Peek Sunday Banner
First, here’s my Sneak Peek of my soon-to-be-released Enchanted Skye

Setting the Stage: Jenna has come to the Isle of Skye to scatter her grandmother’s ashes. There beside the tidal pool, magic happens. She’s added seven tears to the salt of the sea and set in motion a charm to capture a Selkie’s heart. That heart belongs to one Alexander MacCodrum.

Overcome with sadness, Jenna didn’t hear the prayers. She looked out at the rocks where the seals lay amid the foaming waters and heard her Nana’s last words before she slipped into a coma. ‘I love you my dear sweet angel. I’ll love you always. You remember that, aye?’ The gray dust floated on the mirrored surface. Jenna murmured, “I love you too, Nana.” Tears followed the ash and fell like rain drops over the water.

The raucous gulls overhead pulled her attention back in time to hear the reverend say, “…I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft star that shines at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there; I did not die.” He finished with, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.”

“Amen.” Angus echoed. He set a comforting hand on Jenna”s shoulder. “Take a moment lass, tell your Nana goodbye. We’ll be back at the house with our scotch.”

Jenna nodded. Gently tapping the urn, she let the finest ash fall with the rest. Alone now she hugged the empty vessel close and knelt over the floating ashes. She watched with aching heart as they drifted out to sea. Her tears flowed freely.


He watched with mild interest from the rocks. It wasn’t until Angus and the reverend walked back to the house that his interest got the better of him. He didn’t recognize this woman of the land but watched her kneel before the pool. Her dark sable hair covered her face as she keened and for some reason he was compelled to go to her side. Sliding into the water to investigate, the closer he drew, the stranger he felt. Only feet away now, he blinked the salt water from his eyes and watched her a while. The wind whipped at her hair and the sea mist clung to her clothing as she hugged an urn tightly to her chest. He knew what he was seeing then. They’d scattered ashes on the water. He considered her. Who was this woman to Angus?

Apparently sensing his presence, she looked up from her grief and met his eyes. Obviously startled by seeing him so close, the woman slowly rose and backed away.

His heart ached to watch her go and he found the feeling both perplexing and extraordinary. Then and there he knew he had to meet her. Taking a breath, he plunged under the water and swam to the far side of the cliff where the sea cave sat undetected. On dry land now inside the dark chamber, he peeled away his waterskin. And where flippers were a moment before, a man’s arms and legs appeared. Shaking out his spotted skin with a snap, he rolled it into a tight bundle and headed toward the passage.

Fun huh? Enchanted Skye coming June 2013


XOXO Spring Blog HopSpring is in the Air and here’s a Blog Hop to celebrate! The authors from XOXO Publishing are sponsoring this hop and offering a prize package of ebooks. Follow this link to all 57 authors and find even more prizes given away on each blog. As always, be sure to leave your email address when you leave comments. Spring is in the Air!

My prize is an authorgraphed copy of your choice of any of my novels!

XOXO eBook Prize Package


Rose Anderson – Love Waits in Unexpected Places


TRR-2ndAnniv 2013 Poster

When you’ve checked out all great the authors participating in the Spring is in the Air Hop, visit my satellite blog http://calliopeswritingtablet.blogspot.com/ I’m taking part in The Romance Reviews 2nd Anniversary Party. (My part comes at the end of the month.) Lots of prizes and one from me too. Learn the details there.

About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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8 Responses to Spring is in the Air & a Sneak Peek!

  1. Great emotion. Fantastic snippet.

  2. kittyb78 says:

    Thanks for being part of the hop.

  3. jeannie platt says:

    What a great sneak peak… Thank you for being part of the hop.


  4. Awesome sneak peak! Thanks for the great giveaway!! Happy spring!!
    Ashley A

  5. Natasha says:

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  6. Shelly Hammond says:

    “Enchanted Skye” sounds really good. When a sneak peek can bring a tear or two to your eye right away, you just have to know what’s going to happen next! The other books all sound great as well from the snippets that were posted in older posts. I will need to go and check them out further on Amazon!

    Thank you for the chance to enter the giveaway. I hope spring has found everyone. I think it’s trying to find us here although it was snowing earlier and pretty much every time you look out there are flurries falling!

    Shelly H.

  7. cindi169 says:

    Oooo! That’s a difficult choice for book picks!!! Happy Spring and Happy Easter! Thanks for the giveaway and the exceptional excerpt!!


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