Drawn to Cause and Effect

Coming off the A to Z Challenge like a junkie, I found myself making a bee line from the coffee pot to my blog. I’ve grown accustomed to a daily post. Still craving a daily dose of the A to Z Challenge? Scroll down and give it all one last read. 🙂 Or head over to my Salon Blog.
What have you found on the web? What stone might still be unturned for interested learners? What can you share? I know I”d love to see! Read the details there and let’s start the ball rolling.  http://anotherstoneunturned.blogspot.com/

So an idea came to me this morning. I’ve decided to talk books, my books specifically, because very soon one more gets added to the stack. My latest will be Book 2 in the Loving Leonardo story — Loving Leonardo – The Quest.

teslaI’m a person who likes to test things for myself. That was the case even as a child. I wasn’t a dumb kid in line for the Darwin Award, but I was inquisitive. (For those of you who don’t know, the Darwin Awards are a tongue-in-cheek look at Darwin’s idea about Natural Selection. In this case, the stupid person de-selects themselves out of the gene pool e.g. they do something so dumb they end up killing themselves doing it. See www.darwinawards.com for some real doozies.) But unlike these poor unthinking souls, I was well aware of cause and effect. I knew if you did A and B, C was likely to happen.

For example: I knew the dangers of putting fingers by electric fans. That didn’t stop me from seeing what the fan could do to broom straws or tubes of rolled paper. Touch a 9-volt battery to the tip of my tongue? Sure, let’s see what that feels like. Popping the clutch on the car? How cool. I have always been drawn to cause and effect. As a teacher, I brought that curiosity into my science class. My students loved it. I also test myself where my writing is concerned.

I’ve mentioned before that I got into erotic romance because it was a fast track into the publishing business. I wanted to learn all I could so I could take that knowledge and use it for the 500k word, 5-year-in-the-making, as yet unnamed series I’d been working on — the work I affectionately call my magnum opus. I’ll soon return to that series and apply everything I’ve learned. When this journey began, I literally walked away from that project and dove head-first into the publishing world.  I’ve been testing ever since. It’s amazing what you can cram into two years.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll post the impetus and origins of each of my novels. I think some will  surprised you. 😀


~ Coming Soon to my satellite blog~


The Romance Reviews

About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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