Spin those Plates

platesTake a breath Rose, breathe.  The house is quiet for the first time in a week and a half and I almost don’t know what to do with myself. Who’s been sick, who’s been in the hospital, what old friend has passed away. It’s been a sad, worried, sleepless, fret-filled week on top of an assortment of good things. I’m reminded of one particular circus act often featured in the old Bozo the Clown TV show. The spinning plate act. Thinking of it now, I can even hear the music!

On the plus side, the debut of Hidden Desires Romance magazine was this week. This new online mailed-to-your-inbox e-zine is full of all sorts of things, and surprisingly I’m in there too with Loving Leonardo. I wish Diane Valterra all the best with this exciting undertaking and thank her again for including me in the premier issue.  http://www.valterramagazines.com/hdrsec11.pdf

Also on the plus side, I never could I have imagine the spectacular reception of my yahoo group idea. I’m still working out the kinks, but just as any fluid thing flattens out over the path of least resistance, it will eventually find it’s own comfortable place on the landscape of my life. If only yahoo would stop making hassles for me with no mail, mail dumps, late mail… you name it. Very frustrating Yahoo. Please knock it off.

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What about Bozo? Growing up in Chicago like I did, Bozo‘s Circus was a lunchtime mainstay. It was so popular, it even had a 10-year waiting period for tickets. Hundreds of kids across the city, myself included, would run home from school for lunch, see the Grand Prize Game and circus acts that were nothing less than TV versions of old vaudeville acts, and then run back to school. My school was a mile away and took some hoofing to accomplish it.
Side Note: I loved the acts and the magic tricks but never found the clown slapstick funny for the same reasons I never found Jerry Lewis funny. I couldn’t have been five when I was out with my dad and saw a severely mentally disabled person. I tugged on my dad’s sleeve and asked what that was about. He explained and added that one should never stare and never ever laugh because it was cruel to do so. (I hadn’t laughed. Just asked) From that point on, adult clowns were mentally disabled persons in my mind and so was Jerry Lewis. They did silly things because they couldn’t help themselves. It would be cruel to find them funny.  Even as a child I thought too much. I still don’t find clowns funny.


So back to the Bozo show. There was one particular act that sums up the goings on in my life right now. The spinning plate act.  I tried to find a Bozo clip to post here. Alas, it’s only stored in my mind. This one is awesome though.



It’s the first Wednesday of the Month and
I’m talking about a work in progress
that is frustrating the heck out of me.

A perfect post for the Insecure Writer’s day

Trying something new today.
I have a Hump Day Hook up on my satellite blog


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for Guest Blog author Sharon Hamilton. Her topic Writing Damaged Heroes.
Tomorrow it’s my day.

And over on the RB4U website http://romancebooks4us.com
Our Christmas in July contest begins July 6th.  Find the little glittering tree from among the author’s pages (shown in white) Cute.  🙂

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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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1 Response to Spin those Plates

  1. mikey2ct says:

    This post brought back a few circus memories of the Ringling Bros. & Barnum Bailey. Growing up in Philadelphia, PA in the ’50s, the circus train used to roll int town about 1-2AM in the morning. At daylight the cars would start unloading and you could watch handlers leading the elephants out of their cars. I think the roustabouts unloading the big top was an impressive sight. They transferred the tent to flat bed trailer trucks to move it to the setup site. .

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