Now or Never


 I’m determined to finish Enchanted Skye this month.  I began this story two and a half years ago this August. Because I am a linear writer who walks into a story and keeps walking until it tells me it’s done, stepping off path on this one has made for a frustrating writing experience. 

I’ve written four books since. There’s no reason it should be giving me trouble. It has an interesting and plausible storyline based on real history. It also has a great cast of characters, if I do say so myself. The darn thing only needs about 20,000 words or so to call itself done. 

It’s just that every time I sit down and make progress, life throws either a distraction in the form of another story idea that insists it gets written RIGHT NOW, or it’ll throw a grenade that blows a crater in the road — a crater that I have to navigate around to get back on that linear path.  I’m determined to finish, but I’d better put my helmet on.


Tomorrow is Hump Day.


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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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2 Responses to Now or Never

  1. mikey2ct says:

    I hope your speed bumps and roadblocks smooth out. I know you well enough after your post a few days ago (?) that you have been having a rough time. Writing, editing, publishing etc. is itself a a very busy task.

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