4 things to do here on Sunday!

There are 1, 2, 3… 4 things to do here on Sunday!


Sneak Peek Sunday Banner It’s Sneak Peek Sunday!

My excerpt today comes from my scorching romance — The Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo (book 2 Eluwilussit)

After millennia of solitude, ancient shaman Ashkewheteasu enters the modern world and discovers love and friendship. But Ash learns Eluwilussit, the man who murdered his wife and unborn child 3000 years before, also lives. Eli is now the stuff of nightmares. What’s more, he comes for Ash and Livie.

Setting the Stage:
New lovers Ash and Livie share breakfast. Ash explains that Livie’s boss John knows what and who he is, and helped him by taking him to Walmart to buy the things every man of this world needs..even early reader workbooks.

John’s help wasn’t a surprise to her. He held this magical elder in the highest regard. “John is a good man.”

“Yes, he is. John wants to help me with this new life of mine because there’s still so much for me to know. He gave me workbooks to help me learn to read. My people never used such symbols for words. Our pictures held meaning, but not like the small marks strung together in this world. Reading is fascinating, Livie. There are stories in words when they go in a line.”

“I’ll help you, too.”

He caressed her cheek. “Thank you. I’m anxious to know all I can. It will help me choose food from menus.” Her smile lit her eyes. Teasing, he explained dog feasts in the Goose clan’s camp and what he first thought of her ordering hot dogs.

She covered her laugh with her hands. “Oh, no. You didn’t think I was eating a…”

He chuckled. It felt good to play and laugh with her. “I was happy to discover there was no dog in a hot dog.”

Here’s the Story

What an amazing book. Rose Anderson’s love of Native American history and customs was more obvious in this book than the first one, The Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo (Ashkewheteasu).” “The victory of good over evil, of love over hate, of honor over dishonor–vivid, well drawn characters–wonderfully written love scenes–all make this book very worth reading.” ~ Author Jane Leopold Quinn



hotsummerThe Hot Summer Romance Giveaway Hop sponsored by the Insatiable Reads Book Tour is happening now with two grand prizes — a Kindle Fire and a $50 Amazon.com gift certificate! There are 180 authors participating so you have 180 chances to win something! I’m offering reader’s choice of any of my 6 novels. Find the other participants here.
~Be sure to leave a comment with your email to win~


10-day challenge

It’s Day2 of the 10-Day Writing Challenge. Today’s task: Confess 10 writerly things.
1. I sit far too much. It’s so unhealthy but I have writing to do!
2. My best writing happens around 10 am.

3. I sometimes work on three novels at once waiting for one to “speak” to me.
4. Semicolons devil me.

5. I think in run-on sentences. Really.
6. I find loglines next to impossible.
7. I hide things in my stories for fun.
8. I work better under deadlines
9. Inspiration ALWAYS strikes when I have something else I have to do.
10. I enjoy challenges in writing.

4. follow my links to other things!

bee1I’m doing the Sexy Snippets!

I have a Leonardo da Vinci post up on author Toni Sweeney’s blog today


I’m in on the Christmas in July hop too!


4 Us iconJoin us today at
Romance Books ‘4’ Us

for author Renee Vincent’s post.
And over on the RB4U website http://romancebooks4us.com
try your hand at our fun July Contest happening now.
LOTS of prizes, including a $100 gift card!
There’s still time to find those sparkly trees!

The Romance Reviews

Something new: Follow my blog with Bloglovin

About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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4 Responses to 4 things to do here on Sunday!

  1. mizging says:

    My, you are a busy gal! Enjoyed your six paragraphs. Definitely stirred an interest and made me want more.

  2. lisagk says:

    Thanks for the blog hop and for the paragraphs. l

  3. BookAttict says:

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  4. Ha ha ha, I sit far too much too….writers bottom? 😉


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