So so Busy

bee1Wow was that a whirlwind weekend! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, this humble little bog was absolutely packed with stuff. It was just one of those all events line up on one particular weekend, weekends.

1. I was in the Hot Summer Romance Giveaway hop. Later this week, I’ll wade through my comments and pick a winner for reader’s choice of any of my novels. I’ll contact you. I wish you all the best of luck for the grand prizes and hope you find my novel entertaining too.  Thank you for playing along. You can Look Inside all of my novels to get a teaser on Amazon. If you’d like to sample my works, Amazon has an ebook sampling of first chapters. I tried to make it free but they weren’t allowing that. It’s 99¢. That was the best they’d do for me, though I did try.

2. On my 1st satellite blog I participated in the Christmas in July hop.  My full year of blog hopping research is coming to a close. I have just a few left. Sometime in December, I’ll post my findings. I’ve been in some great ones, some very odd ones, and some real duds. I won’t say which because all these things take effort and hats of to anyone wanting to put effort in. Of all the hops I’ve done, I can count those I’d do again on six fingers. Again, I’ll post my findings with the last one at the end of the year.

3. Saturday and Sunday saw me doing back-to-back mini hops on three satellite blogs. My Sexy Saturday, The Weekend Writing Warriors, Sexy Snippets, Sneak Peek Sunday, and The Sweet Saturday Samples. I also did two on Wednesday but I’ll mention those another time. I really enjoy those 1-day hops and everyone commenting always has some nice and encouraging things to say.  I try to visit the participants too, but this weekend was nuts. Last week there were a lot of great teasers offered. I think creating satellite blogs with the same theme running between them was a very good idea. It gives me versatility. If you’d like to join those 1-day minis, scroll back here and click the active links to go sign up. Then check the links tab above and check out my satellite blogs. Most of these events will be ready for sign-up by mid-week.

4. I had a guest blog post up on author Toni Sweeney’s blog. I’m talking about art, Leonardo da Vinci, and how such things inspire me. It’ll be up all week. Do say hi if you stop. I’ll be on and off to answer questions.

5. The Exquisite Quills yahoo group is going strong. I’m very happy with it. We have a wonderful bunch of members who offer suggestions based upon their various experiences, and we talk about a lot of different things.

6. I participated in a cute little event called The Darwin Murders over on Facebook (did I say how much I dislike FB?). I submitted Ester’s Bees to show my mind can be as twisted as the next author’s mind. I invite you to see it before they take it down. Hopefully, my mini crime will be selected for an anthology. I was in the last event with a very last minute entry. My story made it in the Bump Off Your Enemies anthology.

7. Very last minute, I got involved in the 10-Day Writing Blogger Challenge. I love challenges. Already this event has helped me create a nice blurb for my work in progress. Many authors hate blurbs. I don’t, but they’re hard for me. I think in big pictures. You can scroll back to see my offerings for day 1 and 2.
It’s Day3 of the 10-Day Writing Challenge. Today’s task: Offer my bio.

10-day challengeAbout Rose –

I live with my family and small menagerie amid oak groves and prairie in the rolling glacial hills of the upper mid-west. In this chapter of my life, I’m a multi-published author. My active imagination compels me to write everything from children’s stories to historical nonfiction.

I love descriptive words and choose them as carefully as an artist might choose a color. My detail-rich romances are happily ever after love stories colored in many shades. Readers will find my compelling heroes and heroines easy to fall in love with, and my villains…well, I won’t give too much away.

As a student of the human condition, I like to play with symbolism and metaphor dealing with core issues related to being human. Readers will find insights into the ongoing search for the ultimate meaning of existence tucked into my stories. Believing we are all on the same journey, I hope they strike a personal chord when discovered. I so love when readers say they’ve found something. I’d like people to feel my stories were written just for them, for that’s the truth. These hidden insights are my gift to my readers.

When not writing, I gather with friends for drumming, poetry, Reiki, and great discussions. You’ll also find me tirelessly dogged by my furry companions. Like right now…


What’s next? I’m closing in on Enchanted Skye. This poor story had so many starts and stops for various reasons, health and otherwise, I’ve completely rewritten it for continuity’s sake.  I think readers will find it charming. I do, and if I can please this hard-to-please reader, others just might like it too. Because I plan to hit the bricks with this story this week to get it done by the end of the month, this blog will go quiet for a few days unless writer’s block grabs me by the throat again.

If you’ve never been here before, I invite you to poke through my links in the top tabs. My book trailers are there too.


4 Us iconJoin us today at
Romance Books ‘4’ Us

for author Desiree Holt’s post.
And over on the RB4U website
try your hand at our fun July Contest happening now.
LOTS of prizes, including a $100 gift card!
There’s still time to find those sparkly trees!

The Romance Reviews

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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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