Day 4 of the 10-Day Writing Challenge

10-day challenge

Ack! I’ve just returned from the doctor. I have pneumonia again. I’ll try to catch up tomorrow with days 5 and 6 combined. Sorry folks.

It’s Day4 of the 10-Day Writing Challenge. Today’s task: Offer 3-5 books on writing. I’ll say upfront I’m failing this particular task because this is a hard one. The only sort of related to writing books I  read are marketing guides or how-to’s as in, how to build a website or how to use Twitter.

Most of my creative reference comes from encyclopedias and hunting down topics online. I own one writing book because it was recommended to me by another author early on. I admit I’ve yet to read it. It’s the page-heavy  Chicago Manual of Style. 


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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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1 Response to Day 4 of the 10-Day Writing Challenge

  1. Get well soon honey xx

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