Stars falling through the Dome

the domeI read something recently. This September was the most active month for meteors in nearly ten years. Just this week an early morning fireball streaked through the morning sky. Early-risers in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Kentucky got to see it. Alas, I was standing at the coffee pot.

Though ambient light from encroaching civilization has taken away a portion of my dark skies, if conditions are right, we often gather with friends in our yard to watch the annual meteor showers. We’ll watch the Perseids, the Geminids, the Leonids in turn, their displays whizzing past the constellations of Perseus, Gemini and Leo.  We call them shooting stars, but they’re actually bits of comet debris and space dust. Every once in a while, we’ll see a chunk of space junk (our trash) hit the atmosphere and burn up in brilliant color on its way to earth.

Most meteors burn up and all that remains are small bits for collectors. Some have hit the earth with astounding impact (no pun intended…well maybe). In the USA we have the old Barringer Crater  in Arizona, one in Mexico, and more recently, the 1908 Tunguska event in Siberia. Of course our moon has the Tycho crater and a slew of others. Thank goodness for our atmosphere. Few people know about the chip-shot that hit the earth at the end of the Jurassic period millions of years ago. Chicxulub crater is a prehistoric impact crater buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. That asteroid was so huge and hit with such force, it’s thought to have scorched the earth and led to a mass extinction. Now there’s a picture.

meteorsMeteors fall all the time. This site has info:

Here’s a documentary on the Tunguska event. Some say this was done by an air burst caused by the explosion of a comet just above the surface of the earth.
Some say a spaceship crashed!

This one is interesting too


100 Things Blogging Challenge002x846q!
For 100 days,
I’m posting a little something from my chosen topic of Words & Quotes of Love. There are 72 entries to come! Here’s one for today:

“Love is friendship set on fire.”

~ Jeremy Taylor


a guest blog from Random House Editor, Sue Grimshaw.
And over on the RB4U website only two days left to find those falling leaves and win!

Attention Authors! The RB4U is offering a promo deal: Pay for Oct and Nov and get Dec for FREE. Contact Marianne for details.


I’m participating in My Sexy Saturday today & Sexy Snippets tomorrow

Seductive Studs& Sirens today & Weekend Writing Warriors tomorrow:

Over on my other satellite blog. I’m hosting Jane Leopold Quinn for the Fall Into Romance Hop. Only two more days to enter!

I’m talking love quotes in the FREE September issue of Hidden Desires Magazine. Get your download today!


I’m one of 112 authors joining in the Sunset on Summer Fun Blog Hop, and we all have prizes! For the Grand Prize: One winner will receive their choice of a Kindle Fire 7″ HD or NOOK HD. This option is for US contestants only. International winners will receive Paypal Cash to spend how they wish. Scroll down to see my prize and be sure to leave your email in comments. Click on My Novels at the top of this page to see all of my book trailers.
Click Here for Participants

Here’s my prize:
One lucky winner chosen randomly will receive
a Love Waits in Unexpected Places coffee cup,
a collection of Victorian reproduction trinkets,
and chocolate. Only two more days to enter!



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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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