Exquisite Quills blog ~ Set the Stage in Six!

b1e43-eqpicYou can tell a lot of story with a few well-chosen sentences. Today on my Exquisite Quills group blog, it’s Set the Stage in Six. Authors share snippets from their novels showing the lead-up to an important moment or describe the backdrop to the scene…and it’s all done in just six sentences.  >>Promo Opportunity, come leave your six<< http://exquisitequills.blogspot.com/

I found a short story once, an extremely short story of six words, and it tickled my imagination. I wish I could remember it…Anyway, you really can tell an entire story in six words. Think of it as “sound bite” storytelling. Here’s an example:

She loved cigarettes… more than life…

Whoever she was, she obviously had a killer smoking habit. It leads me to another form of storytelling — satire.

I had a morning conversation with my son, the other author in the family. We were discussing this idea. He threw a few authors my way — the satirists David Sedaris and David Rakoff. After seeing them at work through Youtube and NPR’s This American Life, I’ll add Jon Stewart to this short list. I’ll even add William Shakespeare. You must posses a depth of intellect to craft satire for it’s all about mocking social conventions.  I think I’ll chew on this topic a little more this week.


6bd34-bee1I’m participating in Sexy Snippets today. Scroll down for My Sexy Saturday

The Weekend Writing Warriors today, Seductive Studs & Sirens yesterday.

And..Set the Scene in Six . Authors, come leave your six in comments. http://exquisitequills.blogspot.com/


100 Things Blogging Challenge002x846q!
For 100 days,
I’m posting a little something from my chosen topic of Words & Quotes of Love. There are 51 entries to come. Here’s one for today:

“True love is not the number of kisses, or how often you get them, true love is the feeling that still lingers long after the kiss is over.”

~ Unknown


rb4u an interview of Author Lynn Rae

Win prizes on the RB4U website. Find those blinking ghosts. 🙂


>>Subscribe to this blog for all the “what’s up with Rose” news!<<

And coming soon….

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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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