What’s in a name?

thanks9My husband and I are building a vintage holiday postcard scrapbook one card at a time. I was curious as to why there are so many vintage patriotic Thanksgiving postcards, so went looking for answers. I didn’t find much, but I’d venture a guess and say it’s simply nationalism. The turkey is native to North America.  If you’ve grown up in the USA,  it would be impossible not to be able to draw to mind the image of that first Thanksgiving meal shared between the natives and the pilgrims. We’ve built our own mythology around that large bird and that thankful meal.

I was surprised to discover the Spaniards had a domesticated variety of turkey from their holdings in Mexico. That bird soon found its way onto British ships coming from the Levant via Spain. An immediate association formed and the wild North American turkey got named for the country Turkey, and there you go. The indigenous people in the Americas were erroneously called Indians and their native bird erroneously called a turkey. Well, turkey is easier to pronounce than one of the bird’s old native names such as nalaaohki pileewa.

I’m posting one vintage card each day from now until January.

002x846q 100 Things Blogging Challenge! For 100 days, I’m posting a little something from my chosen topic of Words & Quotes of Love. There are 14 entries to come.
Here’s one for today:

“To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.”

~ Mark Twain


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Last days for the November contest with one-winner-takes-all prizes. Read the pages and find the cute little turkeys! http://www.romancebooks4us.com/



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First Kiss Wednesday
~ come share your best 300 word kiss.



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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