Another 100 Things & Wednesday happenings

A short post today. I have to pack up my holiday decorations and put it all away for next year. Where are those elves when you need them?
After I saw this on the yahoo homepage yesterday, the first thought that came to me was what a terrific picture it would be for a Wordless Wednesday. Then it occurred to me.. too many cool things happen on Wednesdays to be silent that day! Oh well. That’s just not the meme for me right now.


An amazing frozen bubble by

happy jarI’m starting that synchronicity jar today (scroll down for details) First thing in – how much I enjoyed the 6-inch snowfall and watching the sheer joy of happy dogs in snow. The crystalline beauty overlaid with their joyful abandon makes me indescribably happy, and that’s certainly worth remembering.


Another 100 Things Blogging Challenge! For 100 days, I’ll post something from my chosen topic:  Words on the Verge of Extinction. There are 99 entries to come.

Here’s the first:

Aquabib (a noun common from 1731-1883)
A water-drinker

4 Us iconToday is Nicole Morgan’s blog day.

All through January the RB4U authors are doing interviews and the questions are great. Commenting that day gives you a chance to win a collectable t-shirt. Come see!

And..check out the new January contest and meet the RB4U authors!


It’s First Kiss Wednesday! Come share your best 300 word kiss.

b1e43-eqpicSeveral promotional opportunities for romance authors can be found on my Exquisite Quills group blog. Meet the founding authors and our guests.

Exquisite Quills Yahoo Group

First Kiss Wednesday ~ share your best 300 word kiss.
Set the Scene in Six ~ share your backdrop or lead-up on Sundays.
The Genesis of the Story ~ share the spark that ignited your novel
Author Interviews ~
We’re booking late spring now.

EQ-RR.bannerOpening for Guests this Monday!
A place for your old stars to shine


all7books-smallLove Waits in Unexpected Places – Scorching Samplings of Unusual Love Stories

Sample my love stories for free!



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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8 Responses to Another 100 Things & Wednesday happenings

  1. Sandy says:

    My, my, if I run of of something to talk about on my blog I’m coming to you, Rose. lol 100 words to add to your blog. I love it. The Water Drinker. I’ve never heard of the word for it.

    • lol Anytime Sandy. 🙂 I hope people find my blog interesting and useful. Blogs need regular input and content to stay relevant in search engines. I know if I didn’t come up with something that interested me each day, I wouldn’t visit here again and I’m the owner!

  2. Melissa Keir says:

    What a beautiful picture. I’m glad that you are doing the jar. It sounds like a wonderful idea. 🙂

    • Isn’t it though? It makes me want to go blow bubbles outside in the below-freezing air to see what might happen. 🙂 I plan to keep adding to the jar all year. That’s the plan anyway.

  3. I’m inspired by the synchronicity jar. My first note is the joy I received today when my one-year old grandson did ‘the Declan dance’ for our dog. They faced each other, she wagged her tail as they moved in perfect synch.

  4. rosgemmell says:

    Happy New Year, Rose – and here’s to an inspiring journey! That’s an amazing photo.

    • I’ll wish you all things wonderful for you and your family this year. Now, repeat after me – bestseller bestseller bestseller. 🙂 I’m sure if we all do this something’s gonna pop!

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