The hook & love of gadgets

inboxpicEven if you’re not an author, I’m sure everyone can relate to this. You get an email notice of some kind, a link to follow, a gadget to try, words of wisdom, writers’ tools, etc. You save them when they come in because you love gadgets and useful tools of all sorts. The problem is, whatever gets saved for later also gets buried in the strata of a busy inbox. I mention this today because I’m sorting the inbox in preparation of the final move to the new laptop. Not everything will make the switch.

My life is full of the tangible gadgets and useful tools…who doesn’t need a palm peeler, orange scorer, or a mushroom brush? I even have a small hard-boiled egg peeler that can literally power-wash the shell off an egg. Funny thing about gadgets used in the kitchen, by the time I rummage the drawer to find one, it’s often just easier to use a simple knife or tap the egg docon the counter and peel it with my fingers. I’m sure I’d find this to be true for other types of gadgetry, including tech stuff. We really don’t need them.

Well, the deep dark mine that is my inbox has things saved since 2010. Most because they just got lost in there, others because they were gems. I uncovered fun non-tangibles* like cloud generators, to-do list keepers, and a text reader gadgets. What can I say, I have a mind like Doc Brown.  😀
*if you can’t access these links because you subscribe to my posts, they are active on my blog.

No sooner did I get to the bottom of the saved emails when new emails came with new gadgets and new links of useful info. And guess what? I saved them! I think I’ve discovered a new hording disorder — InfoHounditis.

How can I possibly delete this without reading all 62?

lol I’m hopeless.


Yesterday was spent rewriting the magnum opus. Ha! A slow go slogging through wordy-Rose’s plethora of verbiage from 2007. I saw something that needed immediate change — the beginning had no hook. That’s a problem. You can’t start a hero quest without a hook! I dug six chapters in and found this piece to begin on. That’s the plan, for now anyway. I actually have several good places to begin on. *sigh* Believe me, it’s easier writing linearly from scratch.
Mind you, this snippet is unedited. We born and bred Chicagoans have our own relationship with language. If you feel pressure building in your skull, stop reading. lol Chicagoese can make heads explode.
I give you Julian’s nightmare:

Thank you for your comments on the excerpt I had posted here. This intellectual property has been removed for the sake of the storytelling. I’ll post progress as it goes.


As a hook, does it make you want to know more? I hope so. 🙂

Tomorrow: the weekend mini-hops are in high gear. I’ll have links and another bunch of useful gadgets from the mine.


Another 100 Things Blogging Challenge! For 100 days, I’ll post something from my chosen topic: Words on the Verge of Extinction. There are 97 entries to come.

Here’s one for today:

Devalgate (adjective in use from 1851 -1883)


4 Us iconToday we have an interview with author Debra Webb.

All through January the RB4U authors are doing interviews. The thoughtful questions are a great way to get to know us. Commenting that day gives you a chance to win a collectable t-shirt. Come see!

And..check out the new January contest and meet the RB4U authors!


b1e43-eqpicSeveral promotional opportunities for romance authors can be found on my Exquisite Quills group blog. Meet the founding authors and our guests.

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First Kiss Wednesday ~ share your best 300 word kiss.
Set the Scene in Six ~ share your backdrop or lead-up on Sundays.
The Genesis of a Book ~ share the spark that ignited your novel
Author Interviews ~
We’re booking late spring now.

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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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14 Responses to The hook & love of gadgets

  1. Great post, Rose. I think we have similar habits. LOL

  2. jdfaver says:

    Thanks for the tools and gadgets, Rose…YES!!! The hook grabbed me and now I will be stamping my foot impatiently while you polish your opus. Go, Rose!

  3. Sandy says:

    The hook grabbed me, Rose. Smile! My hubby is into gadgets. lol

  4. E. Ayers says:

    People have gadgets. I have knives. LOL

  5. Melissa Keir says:

    I’m horrible about saving emails. I have different folders for each type. That’s how I keep track of them!

  6. Wow, not only a magnetic hook, but the lure of a very powerful story! Metaphysics 101 and 999 in an action packed novel. I love it.

    I, too, am a paper hoarder of major proportions and recently realized I have myself as “boxed in” with cyber files as I do in my storage area. Four dozen boxes of paper (okay, many were business and legal files I had to keep just in case)… 2014 will see at least half of them shredded finally. Paper sorting and shredding will be my coffee break exercise this year.

    • Shredding sounds wonderful. I do an annual purge around here and it feels so good. I call it spring cleaning. It’s the stuff of legend. Each March, my husband’s coworkers ask, “Is your wife doing that thing again?” lol

      I’m glad you enjoyed the hook, Gemma. Only 4998,000 words to go!

  7. Kaye Spencer says:

    (raising hand) I, too, am a hoarder of files and emails. I mean, really, who knows when I might need a tidbit from an obscure file from ten years ago to include in a story? And, after all, that email from three years ago that had that link to… hmmm… I wonder which folder I put that in? lolol

    And I was hooked on your excerpt at this point: “fragments of horrific pastlife endings” 😉

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