Sychronicity at its Best

One more ball in the air! I just had to introduce the Exquisite Quills Recycled Reviews blog on its opening day.

Tomorrow, the discourse on names will continue.


Community (noun)
1. A unified body of individuals
      g: A body of persons of common interests scattered through  a larger society
2: Society at large
     a: joint ownership or participation
     b: common character
     c: a community of interests, social activity, fellowship
3: Exquisite Quills

Three years ago come March 15th, my first novel hit the shelves. As part of their process, my new publisher sent me an invitation to join their Yahoo Group page. I was ignorant of the whole Yahoo Groups thing back then, my understanding limited to the chat room culture of AOL and IRC. I wasn’t prepared for the sheer volume of posts. I had such a hard time following threads because many things said just didn’t make sense to this newbie.  I’m like a dog on a bone when I want to know something. I’ll generally work a problem until I learn it, or at least have a better-than-vague understanding. I hate to admit this, but I gave up after just a few days because the author’s world was like a punchline without a joke to me. This simply would not do. I had life plans. Three weeks passed and desperate to figure it out, I tried again. I had to. I got myself into this for a reason — to learn.

In a classic case of dumb luck, I created a yahoo mail account for myself and set things up to get emails instead of confusing threads. Good lord, the volume of emails!  I found myself floundering in an unnavigable inbox filled with stuff both foreign and confusing. Guest spots? Reviews? Track changes? Stars? Negative Reviews? Line edits? Copy edits? Amazon Author Pages? Stats? Royalties? Bestsellers? I tried looking up unknown words and terminology online. Pantser? What the heck is a pantser??  I couldn’t seem to get what I was seeing. Worse, I was so afraid of screwing up. Remember, the advice from that intensely-bitter horror author? (scroll back to read) It made me fearful of making a mistake. Beyond hope, I made up my mind to throw in the towel and wait for the publisher to send me things I needed to know. And then I was met with a magically synchronistic moment.

I stared at my screen feeling dumb. I had so many questions with no idea how to ask them or where to even begin. It was reminiscent  of my father teaching me to swim by jumping off the diving board with me in his arms.  Oh, I swam alright…for my life! But dad was gone. Even my husband’s supportive arms around me couldn’t help me swim this sea of perplexity. Then, right before my eyes, an email popped into my inbox. Author Michele Hart was forming a small group to support and encourage. The next thing I knew, I clicked reply.

Falling in with a great bunch of authors my second month as a published romance author was exactly the life preserver I needed. Believe me, floundering wasn’t fun. But floundering alone was terrible. It’s been my desire ever since to pay it forward. Today, as part of my whole Exquisite Quills reader/writer community concept, I’ve launched Exquisite Quills Recycled Reviews
Come see!
A place for your old stars to shine.  😀


Another 100 Things Blogging Challenge! For 100 days, I’ll post something from my chosen topic: Words on the Verge of Extinction. There are 94 entries to come.

Here’s one for today:

Ecstasiate (verb 1823-1957)
to go into an ecstasy; to cause to become ecstatic

4 Us iconToday we have an interview with author Tina Donahue.

All through January the RB4U authors are doing interviews. The thoughtful questions are a great way to get to know us. Commenting that day gives you a chance to win a collectable t-shirt. Come see!

And..check out the new January contest and meet the RB4U authors!


b1e43-eqpicSeveral promotional opportunities for romance authors can be found on my Exquisite Quills group blog. Meet the founding authors and our guests.

Exquisite Quills Yahoo Group

First Kiss Wednesday ~ share your best 300 word kiss.
Set the Scene in Six ~ share your backdrop or lead-up on Sundays.
The Genesis of a Book ~ share the spark that ignited your novel
Author Interviews ~
We’re booking late spring now.


all7books-smallLove Waits in Unexpected Places – Scorching Samplings of Unusual Love Stories

Sample my love stories for free!



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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9 Responses to Sychronicity at its Best

  1. melissakeir says:

    There is always so much to learn at a new job. I didn’t know what a pantser was the first interview I did. Now I’ve learned so much and best of all, found so many wonderful friends like you who support each other. 🙂

  2. Sandy says:

    Rose, I felt the exact same way you did when I first started to learn to write. Author’s would tell me things I didn’t understand, and I didn’t ask what they meant. Because of that it took me twice as long to get published.

  3. I wallowed through the same confusing times as a new author- it’s great you found the group to help you through.

  4. There’s always the newbie stage, but you’re an old pro now. 🙂

  5. You are more than paying it forward, Rose. You were the first and still are the most vital life raft for me as I launched myself nearly a year ago into this fast-paced, high volume world of author promo. A writer’s retreat, you say? What an awesome concept!

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