Work that name…

nameMy mother always harbored the wish that I’d become an artist of note.  She worked near a store where art supplies of all sorts were sold, so I had early access to clay, colored pencils, sketch books, and how-to books. One day she brought home a book all about carving ship’s figureheads! Hooked, I started carving bars of soap. As for the how-to sketch books, I didn’t see the point in the step-by-step instructions of most of them. If you roughed out a sketch first with all the lines they suggested, you’d have to erase. And every kid knew erasing ruined pictures and sometimes even put a hole in the paper. If I wanted to draw a face, I’d just draw a face. I wouldn’t make an egg shape with lines for where the eyes, nose and mouth would go. All these years later, if I get a rare urge to draw a face, I’ll just draw the face — no egg head first.  But I digress…

cattle-1279One day she brought home a how-to book all about cowboy and rancher brands of the old west — symbols used to keep cattle and property separate at a glance on the vast prairies. There were names and meanings hidden in the simple lines, and I was enthralled by them all. I still remember some of the brands nearly 50 years later: the Rocking R ranch showed an R with rocking chair rockers across the bottom. The Lazy K had the letter K lying face down. The Lucky M had three m’s turned in such a way they formed a clover leaf. That weird how-to book set me up for a life-long appreciation of symbols.  I love symbolic representation. I guess that’s why I’m always tucking symbols into my stories. I get such a kick when readers catch them and write to tell me. Even if they’re never noticed, I know they’re there.  😀

So the other day, after reading that Huffington Post article about which names  were popular in 2013, I started thinking about how to explain how I use names as a writer. Typically, I go for names that give me a layer of familiarity to work with when I create my characters. (Scroll back a bit to my previous post to see what I mean) But names can also be great symbols. Names have meaning.

Occupational names
I’d never given last names much thought until I encountered occupational surnames. My maiden name is actually one of these, and it means woodcutter. Names like these tied the occupation to the person. Here are a few examples:

Chandler = a candle maker
Fleischer = butter maker
Baker = literally a baker
Potter= literally a pot maker
Draper = cloth maker
Faulkner = falconer
Kowalski = blacksmith
Cartwright = cart builder
Fuhrmann = a cartwright
Barber = literally a barber
Fischer = fisherman
Baumgartner = an orchard keeper
Garson = servant
Knight = literally a soldier
Hoffman = farmer
Kellogg = hog butcher
Schindler = a roof shingler
Thatcher = literally a roof thatcher
Mason = literally a mason
Palmer = pilgrim
Sawyer = a cutter of wood planks
Sherman = a sheep shearer

You get the idea. How fun for writers to tuck those nuggets into our stories. Miss Fleischer can be buttering a slice of toast. Mr. Sherman can be wearing a cable knit wool sweater. Mrs. Kellogg can be eating bacon and eggs for breakfast. I do things like this all the time. 😉 Read my novels and see how many symbols of all sorts you can find. I think you’ll be surprised.

Tomorrow ~ more names.


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Another 100 Things Blogging Challenge! For 100 days, I’ll post something from my chosen topic: Words on the Verge of Extinction. There are 93 entries to come.

Here’s one for today:

Gaudiloquent (adjective common from 1656-1727)

speaking joyfully or on joyful matters

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b1e43-eqpicSeveral promotional opportunities for romance authors can be found on my Exquisite Quills group blog. Meet the founding authors and our guests.

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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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12 Responses to Work that name…

  1. I used to have a dr called Dr. Nurse. Sometimes names and occupations don’t quite match. Fascinating post.

  2. melissakeir says:

    What fun! Your mom instilled such a great interest in you and I like that you share it with everyone else, through your blog and through your books!

  3. I love hidden symbolism too, Rose… and glyphs, ancient language, etc. The Hebrew alphabet is considered the language of light. I studied runes and their hidden meanings for many years, and as an astrologer I write in symbols much of the time. The secrets in names is a fascinating subject and I’ll pay more attention to it in future when naming my characters.

  4. Great post. Maybe my married name will be on the next one: Cooper = barrel maker

  5. Sandy says:

    When I was in Germany I learned my maiden name was a tin maker. lol Zinn is my maiden name.

  6. rosgemmell says:

    No wonder you have such a love of facts and such, Rose – well done to your mother for bringing home those books. One of my writing colleagues here in Scotland wrote a great novel featuring a figurehead carver! The origin and meaning of names is fascinating – I knew most of our names in the UK originally took their meaning from the occupation of the person in the past (like many you’ve mentioned).

    • Is that fun? 🙂 I like when the occupation names change with the countries. A name like Baker becomes Bakker, Bager, Pagar, Boulange, Besitzer, Panettiere, Rzecz, Padeiro, Mierii, Panadero, and Pobydd

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