The dynamic balance of opposites

I had no idea when I started my symbol series that I’d have so many things to talk about! Sure, I know symbols are everywhere, but how often do you stop to actually think about them? The last several posts were about divination symbols. Carrying on with that, today I’ll take a look at the I Ching. The I Ching is all about the dynamic balance of opposites — those forces beyond our control. Where have you heard that before on this blog? Luck.

The I Ching, with the trigrams involved, is considered the oldest book of divination that came into being before recorded history. It’s believed the book was conceived by the first of the Three Sovereigns, Fu Xi.

The Three Sovereigns, said to be god-kings or demigods, were mythological rulers of China from approximately 2852 B.C.E. to 2205 B.C.E. In that respect, Fu Xi is like the Egyptian proto-god Thoth. Like Thoth, Fu Xi also taught his people writing, among other things.  And, just as Odin received his runes from Yggdrasil the World Tree, Fu Xi also received his insight into the I Ching supernaturally. Legend has it that he discovered the arrangement in markings on the back of a mythical dragon-horse that emerged from the river Luo. Some versions of this myth say the I Ching appeared on the back of a turtle.

A side note: calligraphy showed up the very same way.
Another side note: When so many cultures share striking similarities in their mythology, it shows you just how ancient the stories are. (Compare the lives of Jesus to Osiris/Dionysus and even Buddha, sometime.) Fascinating.  

So… back to I Ching. Traditionally, yarrow stalks I chingwere used as I Ching staves. Coins are are often used today. These are cast and the symbols, or kua, are read. You start with hexagrams comprised of six stacked horizontal lines. The various combinations of lines in each hexagram represent states of change. These lines are either a Yang –a solid line, or a Yin — a broken line with a gap in the center. The yin (female energy) and yang (male energy) represent the duality in life. 

When these lines are stacked, you get 64 possible combinations leading to 64 hexagrams. Like the runes (see yesterday’s post), each one means something. Basically, an unbroken line symbolizes the positive/yes and the broken line symbolizes the negative/no and these two primary forces in the universe affect the energy of all living things.

This is an excellent step by step example of I Ching being read:

Just for fun ~ Get your I Ching read.

Tomorrow ~


Another 100 Things Blogging Challenge! For 100 days, I’ll post something from my chosen topic: Words on the Verge of Extinction. There are 63 entries to come.

Here’s one for today:

Quotientive (adjective 1871)

indicating how often

It’s Wednesday and time for Hump Day happenings around the web.

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The Genesis of a Book ~ share the spark that ignited your novel.
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A new place for your old stars to shine 😀


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Sample my love stories for free!


Coming soon~



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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9 Responses to The dynamic balance of opposites

  1. rosgemmell says:

    What a lot of research, Rose! I was just thinking the same – about the similarity between so many myths, faiths and legends.

    • I love research. 🙂 It feeds my mind and fills my imagination with all sorts of story ideas. Now if only this case of writer’s block would end, maybe I’d write some.

      I’m coming to believe our world has ages of mankind and we keep starting over. There are far too many extraordinary things turning up that were built before recorded history. Gobekli Tepe for example, or those pyramids long thought to be mountains in the Ukraine.

      You have Doggerland in your area. Just imagine what sits below that section of the North Sea! I’d love to pull back the sea and have a look.

  2. Very interesting blog, Rose. Also, educational.

  3. melissakeir says:

    Did you know Rose that all cultures share a flood story? It’s interesting how much we are alike (the world and cultures) even though we are so different!

  4. Synchronicity in the folklore and mythology of the aboriginal people in most lands is fascinating, for example, the many Seven Sisters (Pleiades) stories. Perhaps some day we will be able to trace them back to the source legends in the same way we are now able to trace genealogy back to source.

    • Wouldn’t that be grand? What was the spark? I read somewhere where it’s thought the sphinx was recarved from an even older monument, 5000 years older than Egypt. Computer simulations show the constellation of Leo housed the sun on the spring equinox some 10,000 years ago. Right around the time they suspect the sphinx was first carved. Was it a lion with a lion’s head? What’s the story there? You have me thinking about the symbols of stars now. 🙂

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