In the palm of your hand

handIf you’ve been following my symbol series then you’ve seen that symbols come in all shapes and sizes. They’re made of all manner of materials and represent generic or personal beliefs. Some cultures put a lot of stock in them from protection against the evil eye to playing lucky numbers on lottery tickets. We’re all 8’s in my family — the number figures prominently in our birthdays and surprisingly our numerology as well. Upon learning that, we played 8’s once in the lottery and won $16. Β  πŸ™‚Β  The ancient practice of numerology is a post for another day.

Today it’s all about the hand.

Hands are elegant features of the remarkable and complex human body. Under the skin and fingernails, the human hand is comprised of 27 bones and an assortment of muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and joint fluids, and a delicate array of nerves and sensory capabilities. There are symbols associated with the hand that most of us in the western world know. Gestures for one. Some gestures that are benign to us become grave insult elsewhere in the world. (scroll back to previous posts to see all the hand gestures)Β  Gestures aside, there are other ways to read the hand.

For example: where we wear our rings, we tell others we’re married or engaged. The faint color distinction left by a long-worn ring also suggests a break-up, moving on, or a cheat. Bitten nails or torn cuticles hint at a nervous disposition. Weathered or broken hands show they are accustomed to labor or extremes, whileΒ  soft smooth hands suggest they aren’t. Hands sum up the dichotomy of us. They create and destroy. They comfort and hurt when they become instruments of love and hate. They speak when voice isn’t possible. They even speak volumes about a person’s health.

A firm handshake has a long association with strength and vitality, but other things can be discerned by giving the hands a once over. I’m a Reiki practitioner. Through my training I know the hands are areas of energy and energy exchange. In Chinese medicine, this energy runs through six of the twelve Primary Meridians that either begin or end at the fingertips and lead to other areas and corresponding systems in the body. The meridians are where acupuncturists and acupressure practitioners go.Β 

Hands reveal more: Testosterone levels are shown in the length of your ring finger. (If women have long ring fingers, they are candidates for osteoarthritis). Your palms show the health of your liver. Bulls-eye fingerprints suggest the possibility of a stroke in the future. Swollen fingers can signal thyroid issues or allergies, while pale fingernails can be a warning of anemia. Cold hands suggest poor circulation, and bulbous fingertips can be a sign of heart or lung disease. Challenges such as autism, Downs Syndrome, and ADHD can also be seen in the hands of children.

And…Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, through his literary creation Sherlock Holmes, came up with the idea for examining the unique qualities of fingerprints to nab criminals.

Who knew so much information could be gleaned from one’s hands? But there’s more. Hands are thought to hold symbols that divine your future.Β 

Palmistry a.k.a Chiromancy
Some say palmistry originated in India, spread throughout China, and found it’s way to handEgypt and Greece. From there turned up in the rest of Europe. However it started, it was a popular tool among the likes of Aristotle and Julius Caesar, and who doesn’t associate palm readings with mysterious gypsies?

But what is it exactly? If you look at the palm of your hand, you’ll see it crisscrossed with lines and wrinkles. As we’re all human, we all have lines like this. Each one has been given properties that say something about you — your here and now, and about your path in life.

The major lines are:

  • The Heart Line ~ Represents all matters of the heart (including heart health).
  • The Head Line ~ Represents the workings of a person’s mind.
  • The Life Line ~ Represents the person’s vitality, physical health, and general well-being.
  • The Fate Line ~ This line is said to be tied to the person’s life path.

There are many smaller lines running all over the hand from the tips of the fingers to the wrist, and each has been given a meaning. This woman gives an interesting run-down.

I prefer tea leaves.Β  πŸ™‚

This explanation of palmistryΒ  comes with corresponding charts.

Tomorrow ~ more!


Another 100 Things Blogging Challenge! For 100 days, I’ll post something from my chosen topic: Words on the Verge of Extinction. There are 62 entries to come.

Here’s one for today:

Privign (noun 1605 -1654)



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The February contest has started on Romance Books ‘4’ Us and it’s all about Cupid. Find the little cherub hidden all across the site to win. This month’s contest will have 2 winners who’ll each receive a $50 gift card for Amazon/B&N, then split the remaining prizes (randomly chosen by RB4U). Be sure to check all our pages for news about authors and their books, publishers and their books, and industry representatives.


Several promotional opportunities for romance authors can be found on my Exquisite Quills group blogs. Meet the founding authors and our guests.

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First Kiss Wednesday ~ share your best 300 word kiss.

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The Genesis of a Book ~ share the spark that ignited your novel.
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We’re booking late spring now.

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A new place for your old stars to shine πŸ˜€


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Sample my love stories for free!


Coming soon~



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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9 Responses to In the palm of your hand

  1. Great post. I have a five-pointed star (not an astrik *) on my right hand. The only thing I’ve been able to find out about it online is werewolves have a pentagram like I do on their palms πŸ™‚

  2. melissakeir says:

    Now you have me really interested. I’m going to have to check out my hand more. I did have the writer’s fork. But I have to see about my heart and fate lines.

  3. Palmistry is one area I never had the patience to master, yet hands are very revealing to me intuitively. My husband has the most beautiful hands I’ve ever seen.

    I love your family association with #8 and that you won a multiple of it in the lottery! Very fun.

  4. rosgemmell says:

    Fascinating – I had to stop looking at the details on that site or I’d have been there all day!

  5. Ray G says:

    Extremely interesting. In our physical exam textbook there were several pictures of diagnostic signs in nails. Two nights ago on CSI a victim had Mees lines in the fingernails, indicitave of heavy metal poisoning.

    Are you a medical professional? You seem to know more than someone who has just done research for your books.

    • πŸ™‚ No, just an old science teacher with insatiable curiosity and a bloodhound’s penchant for research. I’ve had a degenerative disease since I was 15. The field of medicine holds a life-long fascination for me. Perhaps I was a doctor in a past life. πŸ™‚

      • Ray G says:

        I feel for you. My wife is Going to be 71 in April. She had Weber Christian’s Disease (inflammatory) at around 18, then it became Lupus, a disease that killed her great aunt and her cousin. The females in her family usually walk stooped over as they age. She uses a wheel chair shopping and has to use a walker to even go to the bathroom.
        Our 45 y/o daughter has Lupus and degeneration in the cervical spine. She is a nurse. So far she doesn’t let it get to her. She has her bad days and after surgery she missed work until she recovered.

        Hope your condition doesn’t get you down.


      • I’m so sorry to hear of your wife and daughter’s health. My particular millstone is rheumatoid arthritis. I try not to let it get to me because I know it can always get worse. I’ll save up my annoyance for if or when. My best to your family, Ray.

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