The Big Sit

tnhThere’s a fun thing happening all around the world tomorrow — The Big Sit.

What is that exactly? It’s an annual bird count (bird census) event. It’s my understanding the Big Sit was started by the New Haven Bird Club in Connecticut.
The New Haven Bird Club began in 1907 but I don’t know how long this event has been going on. All I know it’s an annual event for many years now.

This time of year a lot of birds are migrating so we all get to see species we wouldn’t normally see passing through our area. I’ve taken part in winter bird counts before and they involved driving and spotting. The Big Sit is different in that it’s a stationary observation. You designate a 17-foot diameter circle on the ground either  literally (with string, chalk, hose, etc) or as an imaginary circle. And that’s where you sit. The event runs from midnight to midnight and you jot down all the birds you can identify by sight or sound in a 24-hour period.

When thou seest an eagle, thou seest a portion of genius; lift up thy head!
~William Blake

We have a Big Sit happening here tomorrow. I wonder how many birds will show up? Bird watching is a popular hobby in my area because of the diverse habitat.  Oh so many odd sparrows and confusing fall warblers now. I’m forever asking my husband to identify these autumn visitors. A veteran of many bird inventories, he can identify them by flight and song and well as ID them by sight. We have friends who are even better at it.

Want to get involved? Gather your friends and family together. Bring a pad of paper and a pen, binoculars or spotting scope if you have them, a bird guide, and comfy clothing that makes sense for the weather in your area, and comfortable chairs. Don’t forget water. This 24 stint can be done in shifts so you can do things like eat or go answer another call of nature.  🙂

tnhOfficial details.

You can resister here. It’s free.

Last year’s Big Sit in Houston.

Here’s a list of the best bird guides for identifying birds.

I’ve kept a life list for years (a list of birds I’ve seen in my lifetime). Here’s a printable one to get you started.
Printable Life List



For 100 days, I’ll post something from my chosen topic: Clichés.
There are 21 entries to come.

Here’s a cliché for today:
Sitting in the catbird seat



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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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