A new trailer

I’m happy to share a hot-off-the-press video created by talented author Kaye Spencer for our free Exquisite Quills Holiday Anthology Vol. 2.
Bravo, Kaye, it’s lovely!

The Exquisite Quills Holiday Anthology Vol 2.


Vintage Greetings

As mentioned earlier this week, my husband and I are postcard5building a vintage postcard scrapbook — one postcard at a time. The album covers 100 years from 1860 to 1960 and has many slots yet to be filled. In the spirit of the season from now until New Year’s Day, I’ll share cards from my collection. Scroll down to see previous posts.

This stunning little lithograph has ragged edges. Sadly, sometimes these postcards see a bit of wear. Notice the top right corner missing? I did my best to digitally trim before I posted. Normally we look for postcards in the best condition for our collection but sometimes the pictures just grab you. This one was sent to Frau M__ Huff of Milwaukee Wisconsin, postmark 1907. The script is blurred and not easy to read (It’s been a long time since my high school German language class)  I can make out this one word: Weihnachten (Christmas).


My 4th of the month post is still up at Romance Books ‘4’ Us. Here’s the direct link: http://romancebooks4us.blogspot.com/2014/12/oh-those-family-traditions-by-rose.html

4 Us iconToday is Author Paris Brandon’s blog day. http://romancebooks4us.blogspot.com/

Romance Books ‘4’ Us ~
The December contest is on at RB4U! The top prize this time is a $100 gift card to Amazon or B&N. The horde of remaining prizes will be split between two winners.


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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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