The secret life of…

3135_James_Thurber_cartoons_2December 8, 1894  is the birthday of that clever, sharp-witted, and most popular humorists of his time, James Thurber. Thurber was known for his canny cartoons and short stories such as The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The Thurber Carnival, and my husband’s personal favorite — Thurber’s Dogs. A lot of Thurber’s humor had to do with the henpecked husband.
No, my husband enjoyed Thurber’s works long before he met me. lol

Here’s a reading of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (written in 1939) Enjoy!



Vintage Greetings

postcard6As mentioned earlier this month, my husband and I are building a vintage postcard scrapbook — one postcard at a time. The album covers 100 years from 1860 to 1960 and has many slots yet to be filled. In the spirit of the season from now until New Year’s Day, I’ll share cards from my collection. Scroll down to see previous posts. Subscribe to get them in your inbox!

Here’s a cute one dated 1899.  Very good condition given its age.  Curiously, it’s not addressed to anyone. Written on the back: Hoping this card finds you well.

Hmm…It’s a mystery!


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RB4U purpleToday’s guest is Author & Editor Jerri Gallagher

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About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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2 Responses to The secret life of…

  1. treknray says:

    I used to read Thurber. Once again you found a beautiful card.Thanks for sharing.

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