My Blog Day on RB4U & Fun Day Sunday

RB4U purpleIt’s the 4th of the month and that means it’s my blog day at Romance Books ‘4’ Us. I’m talking about an unusual hobby that led to reading tea leaves. Fun stuff! Come see.


funday smileIf you’ve been here before then you know Sundays on my blog are all about wonder and smiles. In honor of mentally kicking back once in a while, Sundays are Fun Days! Each Sunday, visitors will find a fun, interesting, or unusual something here. I’m a nerd with a complex sense of humor and absurd wit. It could literally be anything.

Today I’m sharing two fun clips of a pancake artist…no really…a pancake artist. Follow his youtube channel to see his other breakfast creations — guaranteed to blow your mind. My kids would have loved these when they were younger. They’d even enjoy them now.

Nathan Shields pancake artist extraordinaire


My Other Weekend Happenings

Weekend Writing Warriors

Sexy Snippets

Sunday Snippet
A promo op for you too!**


all7books-smallSample my scorching love stories for free!


RB4U purpleGreat authors and industry reps all month long

Romance Books ‘4’ Us ~
Our January contest is coming soon.



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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4 Responses to My Blog Day on RB4U & Fun Day Sunday

  1. Sandy says:

    What a fun post, Rose. I’m sending this to my sister, so she can show it to my great-nephew. He likes pancakes.

  2. Jane Leopold Quinn says:

    What a riot, Rose! Thanks for the smiles.

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