Fun Day Sunday & Weekend Happenings

funday smileIf you’ve been here before then you know Sundays on my blog are all about wonder and smiles. In honor of mentally kicking back once in a while, Sundays are Fun Days! Each Sunday, visitors will find a fun, interesting, or unusual something here. I’m a nerd with a complex sense of humor and absurd wit. It could literally be anything.

I’ve always shared my life with pets, furred, feathered, scaled, and more.  I still do. Animals just enrich our lives. I stumbled upon these fanciful little food fests last year. This looks like something my kids would have done when they were young. Very cute.

Take in the looks of yummy bliss on these little faces. I hope you enjoy their smiles and gain one of your own.

Adorable. See the rest of the mini food fests~


My Other Weekend Happenings~

Weekend Writing Warriors

My Sexy Saturday & Sexy Snippets

Sunday Snippet
**A promo op for you too!**


RB4U purpleToday is Author Desiree Holt’s blog day.

Romance Books ‘4’ Us ~ Our February contest is on.
Two – $50 GIFT CARDS & MORE.


If you enjoy my daily musings, subscribe to get them sent to your inbox, or if your inbox is as packed as mine is, check out the Networked Blogs tab on the right and get all the blogs you follow in one daily notice. A year full of curious and compelling posts awaits!

all7books-smallSample my scorching love stories for free!

~Coming Soon~



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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