Spring’s Here & Hump Day Happenings #MFRWauthor

The snow is melting and today spring is definitely in the air. The chickadee told me so.  The little harbinger of spring has one of those onomatopoeia names. Sometime mid-spring you’ll hear him sing his name chick-a-dee-dee-dee, but he’s saving that. Today he’s singing spring’s here. I expect the first robin any day now.

I tried to  load a midi file (sound file) to my blog so you could hear it, but WordPress just won’t accept the file type. Instead I found a video clip of a chickadee. The first song is what I’d like you to hear. That’s the two-note spring’s here song.  It’s clearly a declaration of spring. And it tells me to get a move on.

Family and friends know I tackle the house each spring. I find it necessary to purge the unnecessary from my life every year. Every corner, drawer, cabinet, etc will be cleaned and organized. Every worn-out or unused whatever will be assessed and will either be repaired, donated, or recycled. People ask me why I go to this extreme. That’s easy. It’s because of winter. Winter forces me to take stock. I work at home so each day I’m cleansurrounded by months of accumulated shortcuts, incidences of laziness, declarations of a busy life, and inexplicable hording (how many pens does one person need?) By the time February rolls around it starts to get under my skin! 

After a winter of introspection, spring is the time to count important things and discard the unimportant, for really, we aren’t the same person we were a year ago. Some things just no longer fit our person or fit the person we’ve become.

This is my last post for a while. Be sure to come back for the A to Z Challenge starting on April 1st. This will be my third year as a participant and I really enjoy the challenge of finding blog topics from A to Z. Believe me, it’s not as easy as you might think. There’s a reason Q and Z are worth 10 points in Scrabble.
If you’re a blogger and would like to join this huge blogging extravaganza, here’s the link:

Here’s one of my A to Z posts. Come back for more in April!

R for Repetition.

I offer a picture post of repetition. Several days ago, I posted Fibonacci and Fractals for letter F. This post adds to that mathematical curiosity. Why do patterns repeat? We see this repetition everywhere. Take spirals, for example. It’s said that spirals take the least amount of energy to produce. From the whorl on a baby’s scalp, to the spiral galaxies in the vast universe, to our own DNA strands, spirals are our reminders that we are at once both unique and mundane.

collsgeThen we have the tessellations. From the Latin tessellātus, it means mosaic. Off the top of my head I give you a few: honeycombs, fish scales, giraffe spots, turtle shells, pineapples, reptile skin, tidal pools, and Giants Causeway in Ireland.
From here I could go into polygons and pentagons (often seen in flower petal arrangements). I could discuss the fact the number 3 and 5 repeat in the natural world. I could also touch upon symmetry and how humans are attracted to it. No, too much info will make this post too large. I’ll save those for another day. 🙂

vitHere’s a well done and cute explanation in three videos. I love the rapid-fire delivery.




And this one is incredible


Here’s another R post I did for the A to Z Challenge. It’s all about red hair. I’m a redhead so it’s a long one. lol Not enough room for it on this page.
😀 See you soon!


RB4U purpleToday’s guest is Author Vicki Batman.

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My Other Wednesday Happenings

Books Hooks

Paranormal Love Wednesday

Hump Day Blurb Share
Open promo opportunity for authors.
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anniv2015I’m participating in the Romance Reviews month-long anniversary celebration on my satellite blog. Throughout March, 350 authors and industry representatives will give away at least 350 prizes, including a $100 gift card. My particular contest day is on March 30th. Though my post is up all month long, March 30th is when my Q&A goes live. Read the excerpt, answer the question, and you’ll have a chance to win! http://calliopeswritingtablet.blogspot.com/


About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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1 Response to Spring’s Here & Hump Day Happenings #MFRWauthor

  1. Randi says:

    I shall miss your posts- I enjoy them immensely. But- now more time for stories! 🙂

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