Busy with Spring & Links

Though I said it yesterday, this is my last post for a while.  That said, I’ve added links! clean

I’ll be away from my computer for a bit. As mentioned yesterday, family and friends know I tackle the house each spring. Some people call it spring cleaning. I call it the annual purge. I find it necessary to purge the unnecessary from my life every year. Every corner, drawer, cabinet, etc will be cleaned and organized. Every worn-out or unused whatever will be assessed and will either be repaired, donated, or recycled.

People ask me why I go to this extreme. That’s easy. It’s because of winter. Winter forces me to take stock. I work at home so I’m surrounded by months of accumulated shortcuts, incidences of laziness, declarations of a busy life, and inexplicable hording (how many pens does one person need?) By the time February rolls around it starts to get under my skin! After a winter of introspection, spring is the time to count important things and discard the unimportant, for really, we aren’t the same person we were a year ago. Some things just no longer fit our person or fit the person we’ve become.

APRIL-CALENDAR [2015]Be sure to come back for the A to Z Challenge starting on April 1st. This will be my third year as a participant and I really enjoy the challenge of finding blog topics from A to Z. Believe me, it’s not as easy as you might think. There’s a reason Q and Z are worth 10 points in Scrabble. If you’re a blogger and would like to join this huge blogging extravaganza, here’s the link:


atoz-theme-reveal-2015My A to Z theme choice for this year is history — all sorts, many aspects. if you’ve been here before, you’ll know my interests and topics are varied.

😀 See you soon!


RB4U purpleDiscover fantastic authors and industry representatives each day all month long. http://romancebooks4us.blogspot.com/ Romance Books ‘4’ Us http://www.romancebooks4us.com/ Authors~ check out our promo services. Our March contest is on! Play to win a $100 gift card and assorted prizes.


b1e43-eqpicStop by my Exquisite Quills group blog all week long. Through creative prompting, authors share blurbs, reviews, and snippets designed to highlight their works.  Great stuff!



If you enjoy my daily musings, subscribe to get them sent to your inbox, or if your inbox is as packed as mine is, check out the Networked Blogs tab on the right and get all the blogs you follow in one daily notice. A year full of curious and compelling posts awaits!

all7books-smallSample my scorching love stories for free!


anniv2015I’m participating in the Romance Reviews month-long anniversary celebration on my satellite blog. Throughout March, 350 authors and industry representatives will give away at least 350 prizes, including a $100 gift card. My particular contest day is on March 30th. Though my post is up all month long, March 30th is when my Q&A goes live. Read the excerpt, answer the question, and you’ll have a chance to win! http://calliopeswritingtablet.blogspot.com/


About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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3 Responses to Busy with Spring & Links

  1. I can’t believe it’s that time of year again already, Rose. I’m in the middle of a great cleaning out here as well, and it entails tons of shredding. Several dozen box loads of papers I had to keep for fifteen years are now on the shredding pile. I wish you a satisfying purge, and don’t forget to come up for air and go outdoors to enjoy your spring flowers.

  2. Miriam says:

    I’ve been throwing away stuff that should have gone long ago and rediscovering stuff I’d forgotten about. History has caught my interest recently. Looking forward to your posts.

  3. Tarkabarka says:

    Yay history! What’s not to love? 🙂

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary – Epics from A to Z
    MopDog – The crazy thing about Hungarians…

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