#SundayFunday! & Weekend Happenings #SundayBlogShare

funday smileSundays on my blog are all about wonder and smiles. In honor of mentally kicking back once in a while, Sundays are Fun Days! Each Sunday, visitors will find a fun, interesting, or unusual something here. I’m a nerd with a complex sense of humor and absurd wit. It could literally be anything.

Given what I do for a living, I’m online a lot. Too much at times. Sometimes on my way from here to there, I’ll stumble across something that has nothing to do with my work, but is worth stopping for. Generally things like this pique my interest or tickle my fancy. I saw this clip last year and was completely charmed by it. I’ve been saving it to post here. It just shows that play is necessary, no matter who you are. I think you’ll find it adorable.   🙂


100Things!My 100 things will focus on malapropisms and I’ll stick with it until I can’t find any more. From the French mal a propos (meaning inappropriate). Dictionary.com defines malapropisms as an act or habit of misusing words ridiculously, especially by the confusion of words that are similar in sound.
Here’s one for today:
I have no delusions to the past.

۞>>>>More Weekend Happenings on my other blogs>>>>۞

My Sexy Saturday & Scintillating Sunday Showcase

Weekend Writing Warriors

Have too many weeds? We sure do. I’ve left my wild foods recipes up.
Just scroll back and enjoy. Yum!

Sunday 7
**A promo op for you too!**


RB4U purpleToday is Author Sharon Hamilton’s blog day

Romance Books ‘4’ Us
The Christmas in July contest is on! We have $100 in gift cards for Amazon/B&N. Other prizes can include ebooks, print books, audiobooks, more gift cards and non-book items.


Attention Authors~ My Exquisite Quills blog hosts six fun and b1e43-eqpicfree promo opportunities a week. I’m delighted to say it’s a hot spot with great exposure. Come join in!


Love Waits in Unexpected Places –
Scorching Samplings of Unusual Love Stories by Rose Anderson

Download your free chapter sampler today!

Find my novels in ebook and paperback on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
and wherever romance books are sold.



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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