Think it OEUVRE #mondayblogs

OEUVRE: a substantial body of work constituting the lifework of a writer, an artist, or a composer From the French oeuvre meaning work (12th c.) Originates with the Latin opera meaning opus – a labor or work.

candle-at-both-endsAh blog, I’ve neglected you. But I’ve had good reason. There was a point in the last two months when every iron one writer could possibly have was in the fire.  I even launched a new pen name to allow me to venture into other genres (I really do write everything). So the upshot is, my pen name of Madeline Archer made her debut and many wonderful projects are now out in the world — two by Madeline and one by Rose. All three are available for pre-order on Amazon right now. Whew.

From Madeline ~

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00072]The first project was the completion of The Changeling. Many many years ago I came across a Scottish ballad about a headstrong young woman, who, despite her father’s command against it, went to see for herself the knight held captive by the Fae queen. For those of you that don’t already know, the faery of old fables and legends, regardless how cartoon animators have depicted them, were actually human-size. This once noble knight was being held as a tithe to hell for wishes granted. The Changeling doesn’t mirror this tale, it was simply inspired by it. Half of my novels consist of other-world meets real world and this one falls in with the rest. I really enjoy making fanciful concepts fit into real life and feel believable. The ChangelingEnticeMe_300x199

The second project was in the works for some time– Entice Me is a multi-author anthology by the Authors from Romance Books ‘4’ Us. I was the point person on this project, and while it was a lot of work on my part, I worked closely with a wonderful group of authors and I’m exceedingly proud of what we accomplished. Nine authors, nine love stories of all kinds = one terrific deal at 99¢.  Entice Me

RB4U purpleIt just so happens that yesterday was my 4th of the month blog day at Romance Books ‘4’ Us and I blogged about Heart of Stone. That’s my story in the Entice Me collection. I won’t go into details here but please stop by. I did a character interview and posted the new book trailer too. I’m sure you’ll find them both enjoyable.

And lastly from Rose–
We’d Rather Be WritingI’m in We’d Rather Be Writing: 88 Authors Share Timesaving Dinner Recipes and Other Tips. Link
This is another fun recipe/tip book with bestselling and award-winning author Lois Winston. I was in Lois’ last cookbook~ Bake Love Write: 105 Authors Share Dessert Recipes and Advice on Love and Writing.
At the top of this page find the details under Other Projects.

And speaking of pages…I’ve refitted and updated my entire online presence — no small feat that! If you’ve been here before, you’ll notice my blog looks different. I have new tabs at the top of the screen. Were you to follow my links page, even my social media presence has been jazzed up visually.  I figured it was time.

This December marks 5 years as a published author. Oh what a journey this has been! From day one  this blog was dedicated to learning. Mine is a profession that constantly changes. The moment you think you know something, it changes again. That’s not an easy thing sometimes. It makes you doubt what you do know and that can immobilize you if you’re not careful. Doubt isn’t good. William Shakespeare nailed it (see below).

I live poised for the next great shift in knowledge needed to survive this endless, and occasionally turbulent, publishing sea. I read up on trends and discarded modes and test the next best things whenever I come across them. Calliope the writer’s Muse would be proud of all I’ve learned. To be honest, sometimes I even amaze myself. Now if only I could figure out how to use my smart phone…

leafWords worth mentioning for October

Doubt is a thief that often makes us fear to tread where we might have won.
~William Shakespeare


RB4U purpleToday is Author  Paris Brandon’s blog day

Romance Books ‘4’ Us
The October contest is on! We have $100 in gift cards for Amazon/B&N. Other prizes often include ebooks, print books, audiobooks, additional gift cards, and non-book items.

OakLeafCluster-TopToday is National Storytelling Day!
Go out and hug an author.



About ~RoseAnderson

Rose Anderson is an award-winning author and dilettante. She loves great conversation and delights in discovering interesting things to weave into stories. Rose also writes under the pen name Madeline Archer.
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9 Responses to Think it OEUVRE #mondayblogs

  1. Melissa Keir says:

    Congrats on all the wonderful adventures you are having! I wish you many sales!

  2. Congratulations on five years as an author, Rose. Oh, oh the places authors go!
    Not sure if it’s just my browser (and it probably is) but I don’t see any header on this page today. Just letting you know in case it isn’t my browser.

    • Thanks, Gemma! It’s been a long strange trip, that’s for sure. I logged out and checked. The header is there. 😦 I’m wondering if you refresh the page would it appear? I had trouble with the RB4U website doing the exact same thing. I suspect the latest Firefox update.

  3. I had no idea what that word meant. Thank you for the introducing it.

  4. Hi, Rose!

    You HAVE been busy. Congratulations on your new pen name, your new blog look, and all your new releases.

    Come over and guest at my blog some time (, Beyond Romance. I’d love to have you.

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